When I first started speaking out and writing about the proposed Roblar Rock Quarry, I was surprised by one of the responses I got.

 It still sticks in my mind:  “You have no business talking about something that is not in Cotati’s jurisdiction!”

 Isn’t it funny that a comment designed to shut me up has led directly to:

                            Rock for No Rock

               – A concert to stop the Roblar Rock Quarry

 Sunday July 11th, from noon to 6:00 PM, in La Plaza Park, at the center of downtown Cotati.  It’s free!  And all ages are welcome!

 And there really is something about musicians that compels us to offer our music in the service of whatever our community needs.


 I say this because the North Bay Area musical community literally sprang to the defense of the cities of Cotati and Petaluma, and the residents of the rural west Cotati area.

 More bands offered to play than we have time for — the event formed around mostly Cotati and Petaluma bands, with a few county wide trouble makers like Danny Sorentino and Uncle Wiggly leaping at a chance to create a little light with their music.

 Performers include: The Stony Point Band, the Pulsators, Danny Sorentino, the Rotten Tomatoes, Uncle Wiggly, Solid Air, Rule 5,  D’Bunchovous, the Linda Ferro Band, Goathouse, Jody Counter, and additional performers, including a special appearance by the legendary Bronze Hog, reunited for this event

 Petaluma’s Mayor Pamela Torliatt , and Cotati’s Mayor Robert Coleman-Senghor will speak, along with representatives from the Citizens Advocating for Roblar Rural Quality organization.

 While this event originated out of a heart-felt concern that spread like wildfire among our community’s musicians, the potential impacts to our air quality, water quality, traffic and country roads, and quality of life that would result from this proposed quarry are important enough for you to come dance and have fun while learning about what we now need to do to insure that the quarry doesn’t happen.

 Sally Tomatoes of Cotati/Rohnert Park will offer food and non-alcoholic beverages.  Information booths and the local business community will also be on hand.

 And I welcome you to contact me, Frank Hayhurst, at Zone Music, (707) 664-1213 ext 107, or email me at:  frank@zonemusic.com

 But I’ve got to warn you, if you tell me that I have no business challenging the Sonoma County Planning Commission’s approval of this quarry, or that I have no business demanding to see and review the path that this “deal” took through our county agencies, or that I don’t have any business urging our community to do whatever it takes to stop this bad piece of work – then you’d just be egging me on…

 And for a Petaluma boy, being egged on is smack dab in the middle of our jurisdiction.

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