Hey – the FREE Money Management for Musicians seminar is tomorrow – Saturday March 13, at 2:00 pm hosted by Zone Music in Cotati.

Many years ago, as a young musician, you would have had to drag me kicking and screaming to a seminar on Money Management for Musicians!

I was going to be a “star.”  And my idea was that the non-creative people could handle the money, while I did the more important job of creating rock & roll masterpieces.

Well, a “non-creative” type handled the money, and the result was that my band lost everything, and we were set back several years.  It was painful, and it was sad.

I don’t want this to happen to you! Rock keyboardist, Parabar Weber, with the Tasmanian Devils, has been thru the star making machinery – he’s had hit records and toured nationally — and Parabar promises to provide you with the information you will need to:
organize your finances, avoid rip-offs, keep the Taxman off your back, save money on taxes, and make better-informed decisions about your career.

Knowing what I know now, I would be kicking and screaming if you tried to keep me away from getting informed. This is a rare opportunity to learn the most important information you could ever acquire.

If you know a young musician or artist that you think has a shot at having a career, send them to this seminar, and it will change their lives!  Hey — this seminar could change YOUR life!  Saturday at 2:00 pm at Zone.


On another note – the young and upcoming musicians of Petaluma Junior High School’s Rock & Roll 101 program are featured in a photo essay here on Petaluma 360 — just click on photo-video at the top bar on the home page, and it will take you to photos of some of the coolest kids on the planet.

Definitely the most fun — I’ll let you know as we go along about R&R 101’s Majorly Rad Really Big Deal Show and Performance at the Phoenix Theater in May — you will not want to miss it!

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