Sounds like the title of one of those deeply mystical books by a South America author, that mixes indigenous traditions with women’s rights with psychedelic tribal celebrations, followed by the solemn reading of ancient texts, in consideration of the sacred within all things, and in all places.

And, you’d be right, because the celebration “10 Decades @ 85 La Plaza” celebrates what we still call the Cotati Cabaret even though it is now Congregation Ner Shalom, and was originally the Cotati Ladies’ Improvement Club.

The celebration kicks off this Sunday, April 25th — with a lunch at noon, and with a celebration, presentation and re-cap of history by a mixed group, including:

Albert Tenaya, who will talk about the Native American Presence in Cotati , and will include songs and a blessing- the Miwok tribe has occupied what is now Cotati since at least 2000 BC – so the recognition of their presence at this celebration is essential!

Marie McNaughton, Cotati Historian – who will talk about the Cotati Ladies’ Improvement Club.

I’ll be there to talk about the Cotati Cabaret days — did you know that for one of the last years of the Cab’s existence I became an owner, did a remodel, and tried my best to keep the flame burning?  Find out the whole story at the event Sunday!

Couples who met at the Cabaret will tell their tales of attraction and, well, you know what happened next…

Barbara Lesch McCaffry, President of Ner Shalom, will talk about Ner Shalom’s history.

Irwin Keller, Ner Shalom Spiritual Leader, will read from an ancient and sacred Torah.

All sorts of music of the last 100 years will be performed by Albert Tenaya, Susan Comstock, Laurie “Leah” Lippin, Lorenzo Valensi and others.

This beautiful classic building has long been the social, political, spiritual and musical center of the North Bay Area — and for a really enjoyable, informative trip down memory lane, with music and celebration included for FREE, come to the Cotati Cabaret this Sunday April 25th — 12:00 for lunch (adults$10.00, kids $6.00) and for the presentation, starting at 1:30 PM.

I’ll be there, and I’ll have a guitar!

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