As if an amazing community of musicians, performing at the North Bay’s most magical venue, with the full participation of many of Petaluma’s restaurants, all for the support of the recovery of Haiti weren’t enough, we’ll have Petaluma Pete in full rag-time regalia performing boogie-woogie honky-tonk for tips (to be donated 100% to Doctors Without Borders) out in front of the Mystic.

That does it, right? You’ll be there?

Besides being the weirdest sentence I’ve ever written (I probably deserve an “F” for strangely linked innuendos), anyway, what I’m trying to say is that THIS is what makes a community special, this is what actually MAKES a community – it is the inclusion, cooperation, and creative collaboration of everyone.

And having Petaluma Pete performing early this evening in front of McNears Mystic, welcoming you to the “To Haiti With Love” benefit, is EXACTLY what makes Petaluma special.

I invite you to check my most recent two blogs — one on the restaurants participating tonight (hint – please go out to eat and support the restaurants supporting the cause!) and the second, on the musicians, including Bay Area blues legend Tommy Castro who will rock the house tonight!

And, I invite YOU to be a part of our community and join in the fun tonight!
It’s all ages – starts at 6:30 – it’s FREE – a $10.00 donation is suggested, but give what you can – we all “get” that a family can’t fork over $50.00 – we’ll all be happy to see you, whatever you can donate!

Oh — just a side note, but when I gave Ken O’Donnell credit for the brilliant idea of including everyone in this effort – especially including the local restaurants – he promptly credited his daughter, Shennon – who has done a great job of organizing this event.

Then, when I talk with Shennon, SHE credits her dad, and is proud to support the visionary bright light that Ken brings to the direction of the McNear’s Mystic adventure in presenting world class music in Petaluma.

THAT’s what I’m talking about!

See you tonight!

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