I first heard Teresa Tudury perform this past New Years Eve — at the Sebastopol Community Center, as part of the evening’s festivities.  I was also on the bill, doing a couple of songs and the midnight ceremony – my mission at midnight was to suggest to 350 drinking cavorting people that they move to total 100% silence – that being the deepest place of connection and reflection there is.

In fact, you could enjoy this right now.  Just take a couple of deep breaths, gently close your eyes – and simply become present in the beauty of this moment.


Still with me?

OK here’s the deal.  If you made it this far I feel I can trust you not to overdo the Teresa Tudury thing.  Last time I talked about how truly great a group of musicians were (D’Bunchovous) the show sold out immediately and everyone was mad at me!  Sorry!  At least everyone who got in had a GREAT time.

In a word, Teresa is enchanting.  Her show, this coming Saturday night, April 3rd, will be an evening of delight and enjoyment for those lucky enough to get in.

The evening is being presented at the Petaluma Arts Center – 230 Lakeville Street – and you already know that, as a musician and as a fan, I thoroughly approve of the Arts Center as a music venue – it sounds good, it feels good, and there is even easy parking!

OK – back to Teresa – when I heard her, the New Years Eve party and my mission to bring a rowdy crowd to silence literally fell away, and I was totally taken in and engaged in the whimsical and deep world of this world class actress and singer-songwriter.  She’s an amazing cabaret singer – but that doesn’t describe her talent – she animates her songs so that you’re suddenly in a strange and delightful world of her devising.  She’s wickedly funny too, which you gotta like!

Just call Peg Grubb right now for advance tickets: 707-763-0100.  $15.00 in advance, $18.00 at the door (I’ll let you know on Friday if there are any “at the door” tickets left and available…)

Hopefully, all of you who already know about Teresa have already gotten your tickets. 

Want to hear a sample of her music?  Just go to:      teresatudury.net

But please keep this to yourself.  I really like the Arts Center, and I feel a little bit like a restaurant reviewer who reveals a real treasure only to have it over-run.  And Teresa Tudury really is a feast!

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